Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Checking In

Been a while. Spring racing in full swing; though I'm not doing so hot. The 45+ group is killer tough this year; big fields with at least 5 or 6 Cat 1 level guys. The weather is the usual "spring time in the rockies". If you don't like it, just wait a day our two (or sometimes an hour or two) and it will change. supposed to hit 80 degrees today, then 50 for tomorrow's high with possible snow! This is a picture of a public Urinal in Holland; just north of the Belgium border in Hoogerhide at the World Cup cx race. Talk about stage fright.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Warming up

Finally warming up around here! The first race of the season at Rocky Mountain Raceway last Saturday. Usual course was too wet so we raced the oval. That was my first time on the oval; it was a blast. Training coming along pretty good too. I need to start some V02 max and more sprints. Here is another pic of me getting schooled in Lengemark, Belgium. It was so muddy. I don't miss 'cross right now; give me a couple months though...

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Too cold to hit the team ride today; I'll wait until it warms up a little. Got the sink installed yesterday; what a pain. I am not cut out to be a handy man. Finished at about 3 oclock then hit the road. Two hours total with 2x15 minute climbs up traverse ridge at threshold.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2nd post

Sam Krieg after his race. He only had one bike; and still managed a top ten. Jon also managed a top ten on one bike.

This Pic is of me getting a Belgium ass kicking in a Flemish Cup race in Lengenberg. There were two pit areas; most of the locals used THREE bikes; taking a clean bike at each of the pit areas. We were stuck with one bike. I swear my bike weighed forty pounds at the end of the race. No excuses though. This is 'cross.

This is a cool pic of all kinds of bikes welded to this structure in the middle of a roundabout somewhere in the Flanders area. We were riding sections of the Tour of Flanders including many of the cool climbs like the Kopenberg.

First Post!

Just created this to communicate ideas, post pics and log stuff I do. I'll try to post some pics from our Belgium trip.